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W7 D2

W7 D2

Q Genetic Disease Discussion: Some genetic diseases appear to be more prevalent in certain human ethnic groups. Some mutations appear to give individuals a higher survival rate when exposed to other diseases. Discuss these two statements in relation to sickle cell anemia and malaria OR cystic fibrosis and diarrheal diseases like cholera OR Tay Sachs disease and tuberculosis. First investigate these connections online to provide information to support your statements.

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Prevalence of sickle cell anaemia can be noticed in African Americans, Hispanic Americans from the South and Central America and the people of Asia, Indiana, Middle East and Mediterranean. It has been people who are heterozygous of Sickle cell are naturally resistance to mosquito born disease. The parasite of mesquite increases its number within the RBCs. People with Sickle cell trait has 50% of their RBCs, crescent in shaped, so the parasite cannot survive and reproduce in their body.